
Audiences experience 'Avatar' blues (Mind Conrol) CNN

looks like they hypnotizing folks at the movie theater smh.......i think they been doin this 4 a while....i guess they must be getting good at it.....



School-to-Prison Pipeline | American Civil Liberties Union

This is all set up and designed to go according to plan....As a black youth growing up in a broken home located in a big city My father was in jail and my mother worked multiple jobs to support us...so that left me unsupervised and idle in what is commonly referred to as "the hood". My Options were obviously different out the gate than someone who was a bit more privileged and had a nuclear family base. In Hindsight i realize that the obstacles placed in front of me were there to make me stronger and somewhat of an excuse to not be successful....but this is hindsight...and i can say that only because it was a miracle and nothing short of divine intervention that i made it out of "the hood" alive and made something out of myself.....and what we all have to understand is that only a small percentage will make it out of situations like that of myself and others with similar backgrounds the rest or the worst seems to be doomed in a "Project prison"...:everybody on drugs ..so they sell drugs go to jail at 16...become a hardened criminal...leaving another generation to WASH RINSE REPEAT!!!

wake up


H&M & Walmart trashing unsold clothes that could be donated to charity


This is Typical


Jay-z :On to the next one

hot video...but there seems to be some type of freemason theme to it...hmmm

Happy New Year!!!!!!

Happy new year everyone..i hope you all enjoyed your time off and made the best of this past holiday season....i sure as hell did..but enuff bout that lets get down to bizness.
this is my first blog and im starting it because i have a voice...and this is the best way for me to be heard....i will feature sports,tech,local news,music, etc. just about everything but it will mainly be focused on exposing the agendas of shadowy figures in control of our everyday lives....so bear with me while i gather and compile data on my blog...if u share my perspectives then you are welcome to join my team...