welcome my new friends...
welcome to the evolution...
i am The Rebel these are my words:
... i remember living in Montgomery projects in Jersey City on the 10th floor of building 1...i had a perfect view of the twin towers...every morning and every night they were standing tall as i would strive to....growing up in the mean streets of NJ/NYC...i had to stand tall... i miss the twin towers for at least giving me the inanimate shining example to stand tall... whoever knocked them down knocked down apart of my life and history as an american and as a new yorker....it hurts when im back in jersey and i scope the skyline to find ny....and it doesn't look the same it doesn't feel the same....there is an emptiness...a void....i even miss the escalators that were beneath them...and the mall inside...they have taken our towers....and i want those responsible to be held accountable for the 3000 lives they took....all races religions and ethnicities were affected...we were never the same since sept 11,2001....all i am seeking is justice....is that 2 much 2 ask?
and im not looking for who flew the planes i wanna know who gave the damn orders!!!
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